Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lusk, Wyoming

So all that Wyoming driving must have got a bit boring for Robbie & he must have been trying to "speed" things up.....and got busted by the State Trooper. the look on his face he doesn't look too upset with his $88 ticket. He looks pretty darn pleased with himself I think. The State Trooper was the nicest guy, and was happy to pose for a photo with the Aussie in front of the car. I could not believe he asked him! I swear he was speeding just so he could get a photo...he loves the tv show Cops....and yes, he told him he was a fan...

After his brush with the law, Robbie was in a happy happy mood. A great time to come to the lovely little town of Lusk. Which just so happens to have a Patchwork Store, hehehehe. A happy hubby & a patchwork store. A great combo.
Lickety Stitch Quilt Shop, & Robert is the one who spotted it first! What a man??

I did buy a few bits and pieces in this shop which I will show later, but next door to this shop was a little gift shop that Robert wanted to go into to buy a cap. It was a gorgeous gift shop, but everything was new in it & all quite country looking. I went in as well, but wasn't really interested in buying anything. As Robert was paying for his hat, I caught a glimpse of a quilt in the corner in a basket. I went over and had a look at it. It was handmade. I asked the assistant if the quilt was for sale, expecting the quilt to be either owned by the store owner, or quite expensive. She looked at me quite funny, with a look of "why would you want that", and said "Yes, its an antique quilt" and told me the very cheap price. I then went on to say, "oh, its very cold in the car, I just need a blanket on my legs". I got a handmade antique quilt for less than a cotton blanket at target. I could not believe my luck. It is gorgeous.

Here it is at the case it didn't make it back to Australia in the mail. I did insure it, but you never know!

And here is photo courtesy of my friend Peg. ( I stole it from her blog, thanks Peg)

It is so warm, and heavy. It has a few stains on it, but that gives it history and shows that it is an Antique. I love this quilt. I plan to label the quilt, as it doesn't have a label, as so many old quilts don't. I will put on it where I bought it, and how old we believe it is, a bit of a story I suppose, and hopefully it will last many years to come through my family. It makes you wonder where its been & what its story is.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! You crack me up or should I say Robert does..... that is just what would happen to us with my Husband's lead foot but I'd be the one asking for the photo and saying how much I love the show. LOL!
What a great find with the quilt too. So glad it DID make it home :)