Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fabric deliveries at my door...

I apologise for boring you with all my recent blog posts about my trip to the USA, they are purely for my reference as I don't want to forget what we did and where we went.....that is, if I have any readers left, as I have been slack with the old posting of late. I will try to be better, and as I had a couple of deliveries this week, I do have something other than me to post about.

Firstly, some flannels Terrain by Kate Spain, which are for my sister. She wants a shaggy quilt for mothers day, and I am to make I have a time limit. That should get me going. Well it's a long weekend, so I should get that started....

This one is for me. Well it started as two flannel quilts, one for my sister and and for me. Then my sister changed her mind and decided she like the Kate Spain better, so guess what?? I get two flannel quilts....oh damn. Do I sound sad?? I'm not. It just means I get to have one in both loungerooms! Because you know what happens in this house everytime I make a new quilt. Everybody wants my new one, and I don't get to enjoy it. Well not this time. I get one, and everybody else can fight over the other one....or I might sell one....who knows.

Anyway, this gorgeous flannel fabric is Anna Maria Horner, LouLou Flannels. I am addicted to her flannels, and I made one last winter too. Its my favourite quilt.

I won't mention that I also have the LouLou range in cottons either, just waiting to be sewn....

1 comment:

Kel said...

Oh I'm still reading ;).